................/_]lZ2 | ii ,m, |
I, 0o not operlte : chain saw that is damage_, im-
properly edjus;ed, or no{ completely and securely assembled.
2, Open_e the chain saw only in outdoorareaL
3.9o nat ,penile lhe sw,v/ram a ladder or in a tree.
4.Position all pans of your b_ly to the left of cut and awey tram the saw chin when the engine is running.
5+ Cut wood only. DO act cut me_t, p_astics masonry,
6, Make sum the chain will not make €ont,tct with any ol_ect besom start_j the engMe. Never uy Io start tl_e saw When t_ guide _r is in a oJZ.
7.Ulm atmmeceuticm wizen €_tltt_ _11 slze brash and saplings, Slander maxedai can catch the saw
ct'_ axld _ w','tipp_towam you or pull you Off balance.
8.Be alert for spdngl:_lCk w/len cutting a limb mat is under tension soyou win not be struck by the limb or when _e tension in t_ wood fibem is mleasecL
9.Do not put premium on the slw at lhe end of a cut. This can cause you to lose ¢onlml when the cut is compteled.
10. Stop Um engine bet_m ufttng me saw down,
1.Have d chain m cerv/_ perforn_d by _ur Seam Service Cantor/Department w_ _e excep- _Jonof me tmmslisted in the n'min_nancesec_n of
mis | if__s | amused | |
_o remove or holdm | ll_ | when servi_ t_e | |
c_.._, s_c_ _naee | to lhe nyw.ee €_noa_ | ||
2. Keep fue! _p_ and | oil _ | _ | and fastenem |
securely tightened. |
3.Keep the handles dry. delta, and _ of oil or fuel mixture.
4.Mike cM1ainthalawdla_l_psmovtngwhentha
mfe_= |
5.Stop the's_wiflhechelnstrikesaloreignobiect.
C_ec_ tot a_gnmenL_ JameS<age,and mourn-
ingof moving parts and any older condition mat may affect _he opet_on 011he un_LC_eck 9uan:lS _ aJl
Offler pans ZOsee if eac_ _nll Plat'rampro_=er_ _nd
pen_rm _ | mtende_ func_an. Any ;=art_ | is dam. | |
• _ _ | _ _ety_ | o_r_=_ | W _ng |
e_e .ns_,_cz_msm tt'_rrmnus _ cr W seeing your Z_m_
Ser_ce Cente_
6, Dtsconne_ the tpark plug before per/orminglfff maintenance except for cez_urem¢ ;u:ljuslments.
7.Never modify your saw in tny way. Use only ;_ta_
men_s suppiie_ Q_ specify recommended by
,Always replace the hBndguaM immediately if it
becomes damaged, broken, or is otherwise
9, Keep the vibration isolators in good condition. PenodicaIlyinspect is_l,_1_mforte_. _ or seloar'_J_n ofthe n_ber _otlion fromthe rne_ mour_ng_ Have your Sears Ser_ce CenteriDepanmen( replacethe _sott_r_ :f worn or datnaged, if vib_on increases. :r if moun1:s
c_ an ou__rcund or swollen st',a_f,romex:_sura toga._ine and_r oil. Itis reccmmendea t_a__!isot_zors be replace_ wl_ena
1.: Handcantrwtththeenginest_ped, theMufflermwy
:2. Sefom transiting in _ _hk:te ar stodn_ in any enoim_,lm,allowyoursawtocoolcomplge_,cover_ne
batan__la_l, _1 Dmpedysecuretoareal turnover,fue_ sp_ge. _ _m_ge.
3.Beforestoring the tool, useup f_ 1ellin tt_ecamu-
rotorand fuel lines by s_g the eng_e a_o l_ng P,runu_dl _ s_
4.Store in I dry m out of the reach of childrenand from whim bJelV_Lporacannlac_ splrt_ Or an
openflJme fromhotwaterhe_ers._urn_, e_.
NOTE=Ex_sum to vibrations thmug_ prolonged use of gasoline powered hand toolscould cause bloo_ vesse_ or nerve damage _nthe finger, hands, aria v_s_ of people prone to circulation _sor_em or abnormai swellings. Prolonged use in oold we_er has _een linked to 101podvessel damage in Othenwsehe_1:t_y people, ff symptoms o_=ur such _ numoneSS. ;3aim
these proOiems. Users wispopet'_epower too_son cOrltinu_ and mgularba._smust mon_orctosetyt_e_r pltysk;_l Condition and the condiliol_of this tOOl,
Nmlca: _ lo Ule Code of FedelaJ Regu_ons. Sec_n tglO2S6(5): 25.1 Of Ameman N_Jor_ S_oa_d