• Use only the Redu_ed.4(lcid0at_ | Guide Bitr | ,, | , i;,i | H i | _ |
specified for yogi" SaW in "Spe_fi_l_JOns."
a.Remove the guide bar to set, me.
b.Ciear_ o_i notes at least once for each five ",ours of ooeration+
c.Remove sawous! from me guide oar Grccve _erlooiCaliy w_th a putty knife or
a w_re. Rgum34,
a.Remove Duffs t_y filing the side edges of the guide bar grooves square with = flat file. Figure35.
,,=,oovE ; 22g
e.Restore square eoges to an uneven rail top by'filing with a flat file. FcJum35.
.ll | ,u | .,mmlllllll | I |
| imlll | i |
| . | . | i | iii | iiiiiii | i |
•A dirly sir flte¢
_incroarmsfuel consumption
• Clean the •it flltm': •
--Atwal_ attar 10 tanks of fuel mixture or S hours o1 operation., whichm,er is lest,.
tCAUTZON:ITo=void arc•ling I tim hazm_ do not
USegasoline or any other/'_qnmableliquidtoclean t_filter.
1.Clean off the caVour•tot cover anU the area
around it to keep dirt and sawdust from fall. ing into tP_ecarburetor chamber when the cover is removed.
2.Remove fhecarburetor cover screwsan€ car. buretor cover. Rgum36.
3.Putl out the air filter.
4+ Wash trze filter in soap an= water+
!CAUTION_Do not use gtsoltne or offier flamma-
ble liquid to clean the filt_ tO avoid tainting a fire hazard.
NOTE: Be careful when replacing the car. bumtor cover as incorrect placement witl
prevent the choke from working properly+
9.Move the choke knob all tl_ way to the rigt_t. I0, CheCk _e Ct',okeshutter t0 be sure it iS ClOSed.
•Figure_ _6&43.
11.+Reinstall the ca,_uretor cover anti tigl_ten the cm_OUretercover screw's.
t2. Che¢_ the Operation of the Choke.
5. Squeeze the filler dry.
6. AdO a small amount of oil to coat the filter. NOTE: Avo_ soaking the filter with oil.
7. _lueeze out excess oil.
8. Replace filter by tucking in edges and smoothing it flush with tile €=Xbumtorhous*
•Citrbon depos_ build uponme Iq_rk_
as't_e saw is us_l and must be removedtoavoid
creatingafim _or | causing engingdamage. |
•K.eep me spark arrestor el•in at all tlm_ _elm:
Items tequu_,d: wereI;xustL3/B" wmnc_