iiiiii i iii | " | Iiiiiiiii | I | i lU | . | m,mllllll | +__ | i ,, | ,,,, | , | ,,, ,,, | , i | :_,,i,Ul ' | I | i |
•Replace s stoner rope that bre=ks;
I |
| ........ | ,& mNG | I |
| Alweyz wefeye Wotectton when =ervic, I | ||
| tM ==mr ape. w,, | 1 | |
_ |
| benel_ | the puifeyls under tension, | if the |
_sprtng |
| pops out, aett0us injury | +emllnI |
I ,€ill | i | + | ,,ul, i | .... ,H |
NOTF.: The recods!_ng, Jocmedbene_ _e _lley, is _der ter_sion, if apt+rigpcqt_sotxl+ftwill mqoim _nsideral3te time andeff_rltO rei_t=dl. _r_
reason, you may warn to let y_ Sears Service
Cen+ertDel_+'tmerhamlletP_s_ Ifyoudo,/to
rep_ memztte_ moo m'_mem<:_ sprm9_OL_
t_ the saw l_ y_ Sen
1Drmn the fuetL'm",k.
2. Remove tP+elan flouting =crew on tt_ _ of tPte saw a_ me_ .scmmonme Steleoftile fa_ nous_g_
3.Remove the large screw at the rear ot t_e + control hanGt}e ancI the sm_dl sCrew dzrectly _low it+ Fmj,,_=39.
st. Separate the fan ['muSingfrom the e.ngJne.
5.{! starter tope is not broken, release tl_e sonng tension bypulling aDout10inctles _f rope from tim
_ulley an<=catch me rope =nt_tenotch as ShOwn.
Figure 40. Turn the pulley ¢ounterciook- wzse untd the sDnnq tension_srelease_
NOTE= Tl_e lenmott on tJ_estarter spring _It be . released tl t_e rooe is bro)_.
_. Removes_tewan=lpulleys+_.ycarduFmjure41. .
The recoil spring_ | ties bemmt._ the pulley |
m_st stay in me t.,m_mj, flat =gai=_ the boC-
tom. ittl_slmrimJ_q=urbed, ltW_require¢on-
•sideteiDle time II'KIef'_tt to reil'P,._=ILTwist the
release t_e s;x_ng.
7.Loo=mmtai_ing _ m_ red.old rope.F=_m 41.
8+ Move aw.4yfrom the _e_ t,lnk with 1he m_=em _e
_. Usea _ ar_r_ tamer,s ofme n_e
| t_ |
| |
9. | _ tt.rne_edend=_ | att_¢k._nrag_ | |
• 10. | insert | one end of tt_e _ | trtrougiz_e nan_ie and |
| secure | _ a knot+ _ | _.q6" plg_l Ioerurt:lK_. |
I'Ll. Inse_ the line en_ =_the race _hro_._1t_'_a:_e e_d
l_m into me as,pie _ tim fan hot_,gng.
t2+ G=z¢le ml_ _r,+sictepugey, men up through l_e
pulley hole ;O the outsi_e 1_. pu_ing tt'terope
t_ roug_ from the rtoleont_espnn_cam sl¢le w_tt_
a snail Ptlillips sc_'ev_tnve£F_um 41 Onset).
t:3. W'ran m,€,e _amut_ | t:x_'/ |
m=x.l_ anct_ loOle,lll_ ml,,_ l,lrmlerm,pe
a I ir=:_ tail bet_ee_ _e muWm- _ axxt s_r_w
T_ rem_ =_w_. _ 41.
Overt:,gt.m_ng Itm screw ,am caus_ tim scre_
po= _ stopou_._ | _e =_n_un_lthe tx_mm |
of_e wa_e_ is s_ug ag_ins__e
14+ W_nd aJi 1_. at:x_ 10 ir_leS Of tl_e rope cfoc:k-
w,.s,e an:_un_ _e _ultey+
F_jure 3g