8..H_d U'_GurdeBar; again._ _e saw frar_e and =r',s=_l the Bar Ca,'l_ Hou_ng.
9.Secure the _ Clamp Housing wrm me BarClan_ Nut. finger t_l'tt_, "r]g_ten _:_=rClamp Nut after cha=n_ste_orte_.
_N:Make sum tt'4lthe tab on the bottom of the tuel tank_ aligned inthesJot pro_tded In the fan hous. tng. See inset, Figure 6.
10. Reptace the Rear Bar Clamp Screw an= tighten securely.
1I. FoJtow "'Chain Tension" instructmns below.
i | ,HH | H"""_H | " | I_ II | • | II | I |
• Chain tension is very ironer=ant:
a Joose chain will wear trle Da_ an= ==self.
_a loose cl_ain can jump off the bar willie you are cutting.
•The chain stretches during use, especially when new. Check tension:
each tJmethe saw is used-
more fre_en_y when the chain ts new.
mas the chain warms up to normal op_aung tem- perature.
_Alwayswear gloves when handling the chain. The chain is sharp and can cut y_a even when it is not moving!
• C:_in _sioning pmee_am:
NOT'=:Hold up the tip of the GuideBar through step 4.
1.Hok_thetipoftheGuidizB_r upandturnme._just-
_ngScrew¢_se untothe¢n=n eoe=rz:tsaq _neam tl_ Guide Bar.Rgum 1_
- 'L
F_jum 10
Fk_,Jmg '
"i | I | I I i,,,i |
| i | |
_ | i | iii | iiii | i i, | ii | ..... | ._ | ||||
2.Check the tension 0y lilting the d%lin from _he Guide Bat at the center of the bar. F_jum tl.
NOTE: Chain lensionis correctwhen the ct'.ain:
When installing s new chain, allow the chain to be lifted 1/4" from _e guide bar. Them=fret, fol- low the tnltnlctlons as indicated.
3. Continue adjusti_ the/_ust_ng S_'tewuntil
r | _ | t_ | _ | _ |
"4. _ =raidingthe t_ of t_ Guide Ear ua,dg_nmn the Bar Clamp Nut _ the Bar ,_lu==ng T_oL
5.Check me Re_ Bar Clamp Screwto i=esure _1is slews.
CHAIN CAN BE . | __ |
UFTE91.,it" WHEN |
ii, ,, !,,,_,
F_uro t_