Aabsolute phase 16 accessories 6 analogue outputs 21 audio connections 20 audio outputs 20 analogue 21 balanced 21
digital 21 optical 21
Bback panel 20 balanced outputs 21
Ccleaning 33 comms 21
communications connections 21 comms 21
RS232 21 components 18 configuration options 27 controller mode 27 product address 27 Start source 27
configuration options (continued)
system address 27 volume displays 27
configuring 27
audio 20 communications 21
continuing play 11
Ddigital output 21 disc information 15
blank 15
changing the display 15
disc time remaining | 15 |
elapsed disc time | 15 |
elapsed track time | 15 |
track number 15 |
Eerror display 31 error message 13
Ffront panel 8 fuse, changing 33
Gguarantee 34
I inserting a disc 9
Mmaintenance 33
Meridian 500 Series 2 |
| |
502 | Analogue Controller | 3 |
557 | Stereo Power Amplifier 3 | |
562 | Digital Control Unit | 3 |
communications 2 connecting to 22
Meridian DSP loudspeakers, connecting to 24
Meridian System Remote 2 MP3 discs, creating 32
N No disc display 31
Ooptical output 21
Ppausing play 11
continuing after pausing 11
changing 16