Explanation of Code in Remarks Column
The following section explains the different symbols and remarks used in the Parts section of this manual. Use the help numbers found on the back page of the manual if there are any questions.
The contents and part numbers listed in the parts section are subject to change without notice. Multiquip does not guarantee the availability of the parts listed.
sample paRTs lisT
NO. | paRT NO. | paRT Name | QTY. | RemaRKs |
1 | 12345 | BOLT | 1 | INCLUDES ITEMS W/% |
2% |
2% | 12347 | WASHER, 3/8 IN.... | 1 |
312348 HOSE ..................A/R ...MAKE LOCALLY
412349 BEARING ..............1 .....S/N 2345B AND ABOVE
NO. Column
unique symbols — All items with same unique symbol
(@, #, +, %, or >) in the number column belong to the same assembly or kit, which is indicated by a note in the “Remarks” column.
duplicate item Numbers — Duplicate numbers indicate multiple part numbers, which are in effect for the same general item, such as different size saw blade guards in use or a part that has been updated on newer versions of the same machine.
When ordering a part that has more than one item number listed, check the remarks column for help in determining the proper part to order.
paRT NO. Column
Numbers used — Part numbers can be indicated by a number, a blank entry, or TBD.
TBD (To Be Determined) is generally used to show a part that has not been assigned a formal part number at the time of publication.
A blank entry generally indicates that the item is not sold separately or is not sold by Multiquip. Other entries will be clarifi ed in the “Remarks” Column.
QTY. Column
Numbers used — Item quantity can be indicated by a number, a blank entry, or A/R.
A/R (As Required) is generally used for hoses or other parts that are sold in bulk and cut to length.
A blank entry generally indicates that the item is not sold separately. Other entries will be clarifi ed in the “Remarks” Column.
RemaRKs Column
Some of the most common notes found in the “Remarks” Column are listed below. Other additional notes needed to describe the item can also be shown.
assembly/Kit — All items on the parts list with the same unique symbol will be included when this item is purchased.
Indicated by:
“INCLUDES ITEMS W/(unique symbol)”
serial Number Break — Used to list an effective serial number range where a particular part is used.
Indicated by:
specific model Number use — Indicates that the part is used only with the specifi c model number or model number variant listed. It can also be used to show a part is NOT used on a specifi c model or model number variant.
Indicated by:
“make/Obtain locally” — Indicates that the part can be purchased at any hardware shop or made out of available items. Examples include battery cables, shims, and certain washers and nuts.
“Not sold separately”— Indicates that an item cannot be purchased as a separate item and is either part of an assembly/kit that can be purchased, or is not available for sale through Multiquip.
page 34 — GAC9.7HZ 60 hz gENERATOR• operation and parts manual — rev. #2 (03/31/10)