Dynasty Spas D-3000, D-2000, D-1000 owner manual Mini Diverter Valve

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A i r V e n t u r i e s & D i v e r t e r V a lv e C o n t r o l s

Mini Diverter Valve

This valve will allow the water flow control of neck and shoulder jets located in the trilogy / ultrassage seats. A simple turn of the pointer toward the seat will increase to the maximum output allowed. Another turn of the point - away from the seat will decrease / turn off the neck / shoulder jets. Each individual jet is also independently adjustable.

Air Venturies

Each spa is equipped with 2 air controls (venturies), located next to the equipment controls. The purpose of these controls is to regulate the mixture of air and water to flow through the jets. If optional blower is installed, air is also

pushed through the air venturies for maximum output. If your spa has

a master massage jet located in the foot well, the spa will be equipped with 3 air controls, as pictured.

The third control oper- ates the same as the other two.

Diverter Valve

This valve controls the output of the pump to either side of the spa, or it may operate all jets if left in the middle position. The purpose of this valve is to increase or de- crease the output of one side or another for maximum or minimum water flow in case of one or two person usage. This valve is also used to turn the master massage jet on and off.


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