-Using a large pair of snap ring pliers, remove retaining ring from the bottom of the housing.
-Remove bottom cover from housing.
-Wash all parts in solvent and inspect carefully for damage or excessive wear. Magnaflux the shaft while disassembled.
-When ordering replacement parts, refer to Parts Section for correct part numbers and ensure that all parts are genuine Alamo parts. DO NOT use substitutes.
-As a general rule, always use new oil seal, lockwashers and lockwire when
-Pack the bearing with grease.
-Press the lower bearing onto the shaft, then press the shaft and bearing into the bearing housing from the bottom.
-Press the upper bearing into the housing and onto the shaft.
-Press the oil seal into the lower cover, apply gasket compound to the cover and secure in place with the retaining ring.
-Position the lockwasher and then tighten the locknut on the shaft.
-Pump six to eight shots of grease into each bearing while rotating the shaft.
-Install spacer.
-Place the shaft and housing assembly into the frame and bolt in place.
-Install motor plate and wire bolts.
-Install BIKON lock assembly flush with end of hub and install the whole coupling assembly flush with the end of the shaft.
-Install disc.
-Install motor.
-Connect all hydraulic lines and bleed the system. Check manually for free rotation of the shaft and disc. Make sure all fastenings are securely wired or pinned.
-Discount and plug the hydraulic lines. Plug the hydraulic connections on the motor.
-Undo bolts and remove cutting tool (flail arm, flail disc, or mulching disc).
-Undo bolts on motor remove motor.
-Undo bolts on clamp hub and remove. Keep round keys with the hub.
-Undo bolts attaching motor mount plate and remove with dowels attached.
(If Quick Flex)
-Remove QM
-Undo the bearing housing bolts and remove the bearing housing assembly from the frame.
-Undo locknut and lockwasher then remove.
-Undo bolts and remove upper cover.
GRIZZLY 66 01/05 | Maintenance Section |
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.