Diagnostic Messages
Message | Meaning | Action Required |
No message | 1) Spa temperature is unknown. | 1) After pump has been running for 2 minutes tempera- |
on display |
| ture will be displayed. |
| 2) Spa is in Economy or Sleep | 2) In Economy or Sleep mode, the pump may be off for |
| mode. | hours outside a filter cycle. If you wish to see the cur- |
| rent spa temperature, either switch to Standard mode |
| or turn Jets1 on for at least two minutes. |
| 3) Power has been cut off to the | 3) The control panel will be disabled until power re- |
| spa. | turns. Spa settings and time of day will be preserved for |
| 30 days with a battery |
BUF | Internal problem detected. | Repair required. Contact your dealer or service organi- |
| zation. |
dr | Insufficient water detected in | Check water level in spa. Refill if necessary. Make sure |
| heater. Spa will be shut down for | pumps are been primed and filter cartridges are clean. |
| 15 minutes. | Press any button to reset or wait 15 minutes and spa |
| will automatically reset. If message spa does not reset, |
| call your dealer or service organization. |
dry | Insufficient water detected in | Follow directions for dr message and press any button |
dY | heater. Spa is shut down. | to reset spa. Spa will not automatically reset when dry |
| (Displays on third occurrence of | or dY is displayed. |
| |
| dr message.) |
Ec | Indicates heater is in Economy | None. |
| Mode. |
| Temperature unknown | After the pump has been running for two minutes, the |
| temperature will be displayed. |
HL | A difference in readings between | Make sure spa is filled to proper level and that pumps |
HFL | temperature sensors has been | are primed and filter cartridges are clean. If message |
| detected indicating a possible | does not reset, call your dealer or service organization. |
| water flow problem. |
IC | Potential freeze condition de- | No action required. The pumps and the blower will au- |
ICE | tected. | tomatically activate regardless of spa status. |
LF | Persistent low flow problems. | Follow action required for HL or HFL message. Heating |
| Heater is shut down, but other | capacity of the spa will not reset automatically. Press |
| spa functions continue to run | any button to reset. |
| normally. Displays on the fifth |
| occurrence of the HL or HFL mes- |
| sage within 24 hours. |
OH | Overheat protection. The spa has | DO NOT ENTER THE WATER. Remove the spa cover and |
OHS | shut down. One of the sensors | allow water to cool. At 107°F, the spa should automati- |
| has detected that the spa water | cally reset. If spa does not reset, shut off the power to |
| is 110°F. | the spa and call your dealer or service organization. |
Inground Spas
27 OperatingYour
LTR20111002, Rev. A | www.calspas.com |