Height of Cut
Move the height of cut lever sideways to disengage it from the locking notch, then push forwards to raise or pull backwards to lower the height of cut. Release the lever in the required position and ensure that it locks firmly into one of the seven notch settings.
Always select a height of cut to suit operating conditions. Prevent engine overloading and blockages by avoiding low cuts in long grass conditions. Be prepared to make two cuts when the grass is long.
Before Mowing
To prevent accidents thoroughly inspect the area and remove all objects which when contacted by the cutterblade could become dangerous projectiles. Inspect the area for hidden obstructions which when contacted by the cutterblade could risk health and safety. Remember the location of these obstructions and ensure that you mow around them.
Lift the grassbag through the handlebar and close the rear door to rest against the rear of the mower.
To empty the grassbag, pour out the grass clippings and shake the grassbag vigorously to clean the airways. Good grass collection depends on good air flow through the grassbag. When collecting grass clippings it is important that the grassbag is emptied regularly to pre- vent blockages and engine overloading.
Open the rear door and slide the mulcher plug into the rear dicharge chute. Ensure that the plug is fully inserted and the door is closed.
Mulching finely cuts the grass so that the grass can be easily recycled. Due to the nutrients that this returns to the soil the lawn will need less fertilizer.