Are You New to Rigging?
If you are new to rigging, you should do the following:
•Read and study JBL Technical Note Volume 1, Number 14: Basic Principles for Suspending Loudspeaker Systems (available at http://www.jblpro.com/pub/technote/tn_v1n14.pdf).
•Know the Rules for Safe Rigging.
•Attend a safe rigging seminar, such as that presented by professionals like Rigging Seminars™ or by Chain Motor Hoist manufacturers like Columbus McKinnon Corp. (manufacturers of the C/M Lodestar).
•Meet and establish a relationship with a licensed mechanical or structural engineer. Get in the habit of asking them questions instead of guessing about their answers. Learn from what they tell you.
•Meet and discuss this aspect of your business with your Insurance Agent.
•Research and understand the codes, practices, and requirements in the venues where you intend to operate your sound system.
General Hardware Information
Any hardware used in an overhead suspension application must be load rated for the intended use. Generally, this type of hardware is available from rigging supply houses; industrial supply catalogs and specialized rigging distributors. Local hardware stores do not usually stock these products.
Attachment to Structures
A licensed Professional Engineer must approve placement and method of attachment to structures prior to installation of any overhead object.The following performance standards should be provided to the Professional Engineer for design purposes: Uniform Building Code as applicable, Municipal Building Code as applicable, Seismic Code as applicable. Installation of hardware and method of attachment must be carried out in the manner specified by the Professional Engineer. Improper installation may result in damage, injury or death.
Rigging Hardware Inspection & Maintenance
Suspension systems are comprised of mechanical devices and, as such, they require regular inspection and routine maintenance to insure proper function ability. JBL VERTEC® DP Series loudspeakers must be inspected for fatigue at least annually.The inspection shall include a visual survey of all corners and load bearing surfaces for signs of cracking, water damage,
VERTEC DP Series loudspeakers must be inspected for fatigue at least annually. The inspection shall include a visual material survey for signs of corrosion, bending or any other condition that may decrease strength of the fastener. For other fittings used, refer to the manufacturer’s inspection and maintenance guidelines for process.
JBL is not responsible for the application of its products for any purpose or the misuse of this information for any purpose. Furthermore, JBL is not responsible for the abuse of its products caused by avoiding compliance with inspection and maintenance procedures or any other abuse. Prior to suspending the system, an expert, trained and experienced in flying loudspeaker systems should inspect all rigging parts and
JBL Professional 13