Step 2) With System Architect running in Windows, power up the remaining loudspeakers connected to the network one or two at a time. System Architect will automatically determine an IP address and a HiQnet Address for each loudspeaker on the network assuming the devices populating the network are new units (DHCP ENABLED). This can require up to 2 minutes in some cases. Once completed an Icon in the venue view will appear representing the JBL Loudspeaker system connected to the network.
Step 3) If System Architect fails to recognize network devices within about two minutes, make sure all of your connections are good and verify IP addressing. Launch the Network Wizard and repeat steps 3 - 4 in the above procedure.
Note: If a device does not auto populate in Venue View or come up in Network Wizard, it is possible that the device may have been previously configured for a subnet out of the IP range of your network. To find these network devices you may need to launch Crown’s TCP/IQ utility that is bundled with System Architect software. The TCP/IQ utility will find any device present on the network and will allow you to reconfigure the device IP address and subnet mask to the same range as your network.
Step 1) Click on any previous VP Series icons showing in venue view, and press the Delete key.
Step 2) Select Menu
Step 3) The master computer should discover the HiQnet™ products powered up on the network. If not, please make sure all of your connections are good. and verify IP addressing.
Step 4) Once the Network Wizard Utility has launched and found devices on the network, select a single component (It will highlight) - click on the CONFIGURE button located on the bottom of the window.
Step 5) System Architect will have detected the device, automatically assigned a HiQnet address and disabled the “Readdress Automatically” function. You can manually assign a HiQnet address if desired.
Step 6)
Step 7) The IP Address entry box will
Step 8) In the Set Address window, set up a Static IP
Step 9) Click OK. The Configure Node window will close.
Step 10) Repeat the procedure for all remaining devices on the network.