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Canon 3Setting the Image Review Time


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3Setting the Image Review Time

You can set how long the image is to be displayed on the LCD monitor right after it is captured. To keep the image displayed, set [Hold]. To not have the image displayed, set [Off].

1 Select [Review time].

Turn the <5> dial to select [x

Review time], then press <0>.

2Set the desired review time.

Turn the <5> dial to select the desired setting, then press <0>.

If you press the <B> button during the image review right after shooting, you can change the display format.

The [Hold] setting keeps displaying the image until you press the shutter button halfway. However, if auto power off has been set, the camera will turn off automatically after the auto power off time elapses.

During the image review for single-shooting, you can delete the displayed image by pressing the <L> button and selecting [OK]. To view images captured so far, see “Image Playback” (p.107).



