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Canon CJump Display


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Download on canonical page 180 pages, 4.81 Mb

CJump Display

During the single image, image with shooting information, index, or magnified image display, you can jump forward or back to images stored on the CF card.

1Playback the image.

2 Go to the jump display.

Press the <C> button.

X The jump bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Jump bar

3 Jump forward or back.

Turn the <5> dial.

To quit the image jump, press the <C> button. The jump bar will disappear.

Turn the <5> dial to view the next or previous image.

Single Image and Information Display

During the single image and information display, you can use the Jump feature (by 10 or 100 images, date, or folder).

At step 2 above, press the <C> button, then press <0> and turn the <5> dial.

XThe Jump method indicated on the Jump bar will change (p.115). Press <0> to confirm the Jump method.

Turn the <5> dial to jump according to the selected jump method.



