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XP-K7V400 user manual
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Motherboard Layout
1. Production Introduction
1.1. Feature Summary
1.2. I/O Back Panel and Connectors & Jumper Setting
1.2.2. Connectors & Jumper Setting
FDD (Floppy Disk Drive Connector)
1.2.1. I/O Back Panel
SW1 (System Jumper)
CPU_FAN (CPU Fan Power Connector); SYS_FAN (System Fan Power Connector)
ATX (ATX Power Connector)
F_PANEL (Front Panel Control Connector)
IDE1 / IDE2 (IDE1 and IDE2 Connector)
F_AUDIO (Front Audio Connector)
CD_IN (Optical Drive Audio Connector)
BATTERY (Battery)
F_USB1 (Front USB Connector)
2. Hardware Installation
2.1. Installation of a Socket A CPU and Fan Sink
2.2. Installation of Memory
2.3. Installation of the Graphics Card
3. BIOS Setup
3.1. Setup Screen Features (BIOS version:E2)
3.2. Standard CMOS Features
nDate (mm:dd:yy)
nTime (hh:mm:ss)
nIDE Primary Master(Slave) / IDE Secondary Master(Slave) [IDE Device Setup]
nFloppy 3 Mode Support
nHalt on
3.3. Advanced BIOS Features
nFirst / Second / Third Boot Device
nPassword Check
nBoot to OS2 or DR-DOS
nOnChip IDE Channel 0
3.4. Integrated Peripherals
3.5. Power Management Setup
nACPI Suspend Type
nUSB Device Wakeup From S3
nPower LED in S1 state
nSoft-off by PWRBTN
3.6. PnP/PCI Configuration
nPCI1/PCI5 IRQ Assignment
nPCI2 IRQ Assignment
nPCI3 IRQ Assignment
nMouse Power On
3.7. PC Health Status
3.8. Frequency/Voltage Control
nAuto Detect PCI/DIMM Clk
nSpread Spectrum
nCPU Host Clock Control
nCPU Host Frequency (MHz)
3.9. Load Fail-Safe Defaults
3.10. Load Optimized Defaults
3.11. Set User Password
nCPU OverVoltage Control
nAGP OverVoltage Control
4. Driver Installation
3.12. Save & Exit Setup
3.13. Exit Without Saving