Reviewing Statistics 93
Understanding ServiceProvider Information The Service Provider information described in Table 12 is provided after a call has ended.
Reason for call coming up Indicates how the call was placed and which workstation
placed the call. Depending on how the call placed you should
see something similar to the following:
“Manual Dial by Workstation A.”
“DNS query from Workstation A for”
“Packet from Workstation A to IP address xxxx.”

Table 11 Last Call Information Description

Last Call Information Description

Table 12 Service Provider information description

Service Provider Information Description
Number of successful
connections Indicates the total number of successful connections to
each service provider
Number of failed connections Indicates the total number of unsuccessful connections to
each service provider.
Total number of octets received Indicates the total number of octets (bytes) received by the
56K LAN Modem.
Total number of octets
transmitted Indicates the total number of octets (bytes) transmitted by
the 56K LAN Modem.
Total connection time (seconds) Indicates the collective connection time for this particular
service provider