Maintaining Groups
retry count
This command sets the number of retries that the software attempts when a probe packet
fails to appear at the receive end. After the retries, the software puts the board in Wait
mode. If no argument is specified or the specified argument is invalid, the current value is
displayed. Otherwise, the new value is displayed.
send timeout
This command sets the timeout value, in seconds, that the software waits before
retransmitting a probe packet when a send request to the link support layer (LSL) is not
acknowledged. A message is displayed for each loaded frame type.
This command deletes a group. The LAN driver for the group must not be loaded. The
following message appears for all frame types that the NIC supports:
Cleaning up resources for group associated with Primary Slot
Syntax lbrsl retry count number_of_retries
number_of_retries is any positive integer
Example lbrsl retry count 2
Default 5
Syntax lbrsl send timeout pri_slot seconds
pri_slot is the PCI slot number of the primary NIC.
seconds is the time in seconds.
Example lbrsl send timeout 1001 10
Default 10
Syntax lbrsl ungroup pri_slot
pri_slot is the PCI slot number of the primary NIC.
Example lbrsl ungroup 10001
Default None