enable authentication 33
enable authentication The enable authentication Line Configuration mode command
specifies the authentication method list when accessing a higher privilege
level from a remote Telnet or console. To restore the default configuration
specified by the aaa authentication enable command, use the no form
of this command.
enable authentication {default | list-name}
no enable authentication
■default — Uses the default list created with the aaa authentication
enable command.
■list-name — Uses the indicated list created with the aaa
authentication enable command.
Default Configuration
Uses the default set with the aaa authentication enable command.
Command Mode
Line Configuration mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
The following example specifies the default authentication method when
accessing a higher privilege level from a console.
ip http authentication The ip http authentication Global Configuration mode command
specifies authentication methods for HTTP server users. To restore the
default configuration, use the no form of this command.
line console
enable authentication default