The port state change delay takes effect when the port goes down but not when the port goes up.
Follow these steps to set the port state change delay:
To do … Use the command … Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Enter Ethernet interface
interface interface-type
interface-number —
Set the port state change
delay link-delay delay-time
Defaults to 0, which indicates that no
delay is introduced.
The delay configured in this way does not take effect for ports in DLDP down state. For information
about the DLDP down state, refer to DLDP.
To do... Use the command... Remarks
Display port configuration
display interface [ interface-type |
interface-type interface-number ]
Display the enable/disable
status of port loopback
display loopback-detection
Display brief information about
port configuration
display brief interface [ interface-type
[ interface-number ] ] [ | { begin | include |
exclude } regular-expression ]
Display port information about
a specified unit display unit unit-id interface
Display the Combo ports and
the corresponding
optical/electrical ports
display port combo
Display the information about
the port with the link-delay
command configured
display link-delay
Available in any