Step 7: Set up the Server DNS Entry
Add a DNS entry ‘wifi‐security‐server’ in your organization’s/enterprise DNS server. This entry should point to the IP Address of the Server configured in Step 6 (Complete Server Initialization and Setup
Adding this entry serves two purposes:
A.Sensors can connect to the Server with “zero configuration” if they are connected to a DHCP enabled subnet.
B.You can access the Server using the address ‘https:// wifi‐security‐server’.
Step 8: Access the 3Com AirProtect Enterprise Console (GUI)
Important! The minimum system requirements to access the 3Com AirProtect Enterprise GUI Console are a laptop with Intel P4 X86 1.4 GHz Processor, 512 MB RAM, ,Windows 2000 or XP Operating System, IE 5.5 or higher, and JRE 1 4.2 only.
A. Type ‘https:// wifi‐security‐server’ to access the 3Com AirProtect Enterprise Console.
The 3Com AirProtect Enterprise Console can take up to 2 minutes to load.
Important! Pop‐up blockers (if any) must be disabled on the Web browser. The Reuse windows for launching shortcuts option in Tools‐>Internet Options‐>Advanced shoul be deselected in the Internet Explorer Web browser.
B.Click Yes on each of the Security Alert/Warning pop‐up screens.
3Com AirProtect Enterprise Quick Setup Guide