Save Recording


1 To save the current recording, press the REC button on the Directrec or
press the (Stop) button in the [Remote Edit] to stop recording.
2 Either press the NEW button on
Directrec or click the icon on the toolbar in the [Remote Edit] window.
[File Save] window will appear to save the data.
3 To save the file, either press the NEW button on the Directrec or click the [Save] button on the [Remote Edit] window.
The recorded data will be saved.
4 The Directrec is now available for recording on a new file, press the REC button on the Directrec or press the (Record) button in the [Remote Edit] window to start recording.
File Name Format
File names are assigned in the following manner.
DR_1 0001.dss
File number ........ A serial number automatically assigned by the DSS Player.
The ID that has been set on the Directrec. The default name on the Directrec is “DR_1000”. The user ID can be modified with DSS Player