Concord 1
Getting to Know Your SecuritySystem
This security system is designed to protect your family and property, whether you are on the pre-
mises or away.
This manual describes how to operate your system. It describes basic arming and disarming com-
mands as well programming instructions for system features.
The dealer or installer may have already discussed with you many details concerning your sys-
tem. Specific setup information is included in the “Appendix A: User Sheets”.
Your security system is comprised of different components. Each component plays a special role
in system operation (see Figure 1):
Figure 1. Security System ComponentsPanel
The panel is at the heart of your system. It stores the intelligence to monitor all the sensors and
devices in the system. The panel is the piece of equipment that initiates a call to the central sta-
tion in an alarm situation. The panel circuitry is enclosed in a steel cabinet and is installed out of
the way of household or workplace traffic.
Touchpads allow you to communicate with your panel. You’ll use a touchpad to arm, disarm, and
program your system.
Door/Window Sensors
Door and window sensors protect the perimeter of your home by alerting the panel when a door
or window is opened.
Motion Sensors
Motion detectors in hallways or individual rooms detect a person moving across the field of
StatusFeatur e spress bo th
LightsSystemAwayPagerOffNo De laypress bo th
press bo th
Test Sys tem We eklySilentStayD*70 #8BA415 623Bypas sMenuC9Program User Se ttingspress 0 - 9 for other entries.
Press 1 for OFF; pre ss 2 for O N;
Press # to select opt ion or acc ept entry.
0607050413141211Arm to S TAYQuick G uideDisarm S ystem/C ancel A larmif desired.
080910Pressto deselect option or cancel entr y.
Close all p rotected d oors and w indows.
Press 3 + CODE.
Exit prem ises throug h delay do or.
Press 2 + CODE.
Close all p rotected d oors and w indows.
Press 4 to arm delay doors inst antly,
Arm to A WAYZone/Se nsor Nu mberPress 1 + CODE. 2
Press A or B to scrol l through menus.
Make sure system is disarmed.
Press 7 + 1 to turn C HIME on or off.
Make sure system is disarmed.
Turn CH IME On /OffPress BYP ASS + CO DE + Se nsor No.
Arm system to desire d level.
Bypass S ensorsSystem is O KStatusFeature spress both
LightsSystemAwayPagerOffNo Del aypress both
press both
Test Syst em Week lySilentStayD*70 #8BA41562 3BypassMenuC9ArmedReadyPanelTouchpadsDoor/Window SensorsMotion SensorsEnergy Saving ModuleSuperBus 2000 CellularEnvironmental DetectorsBackup ModuleSuperBus 2000 WirelessGateway Module