3M™ Drive-Thru Systems Model G5 and Model XT-1
Operating Instructions
November 6 2014 – Revision 2.1
Page 37 of 77
Flashing in this sequence
Red 4sec blank
Red 4sec blank……..
The Base Station you are trying to register your headset to, has more than 20
headsets registered already
Follow the steps below to remove any registered headsets that are not in use any
1. Log into the Base Station
2. Press the Mode key till you see the System Menu
3. Select 04 Registration
4. Select 02 Remove Headsets.
5. Scroll to the number of the headset you want to un-register.
6. Press Enter.
Blue (at Mic Boom tip) Solid blue, when holding the Volume touch zone, indicates that the headset is
listening for a special key sequence (e.g. for headset deregistration)
Blue flash when vehicle arrives in a lane (in addition to the vehicle present beep
(single beep on Lane1 or double beep on Lane 2).
Fitting the Headset
Make the following adjustments to the headset to make it comfortable, less
likely to fall off and easy for you to hear and speak clearly:
Adjust the size of the headband until the ear pad rests against one ear
and the comfort pad cushion rests just above the other ear.
To create a tighter fit, hold the headset with one hand on the Pod area
and the other hand on the Comfort Pad area. Gently bring the two
hands close to one another, then past one another. Slowly move one
end back and forth.
This ensures pressure is applied equally along the length of the
headband. Applying excessive force in one area alone will create a
crease on the headband.
Rotate the microphone boom up or down so its tip is in line with the
corner of your mouth. Do not bend the boom.