Ppalm rest, 29
parallel port, 37
base address, 96
passwords, 22, 41, 100
PC cards, 56–58
slots, 39
PCMCIA cards. See PC cards
peripherals, 36
plug and play, 21, 97
pointing device. See mouse
ports, 35–40
POST error messages. See error
messages, startup
power indicator, 15, 106
power management, 50–55
advanced (APM), 51
heuristic (HPM), 52
printers, 56, 108
PS/2 port, 37
PS/2 Y-bridge cable, 67
Rrapid charge, 45
real-time clock error, 111
reset, 105
reset to default settings, 103
resume on modem ring, 99
resume on schedule, 99
Ssafety instructions, 119
screen. See display
screen blackout, 22
ScrLk, 17, 18
security, 41, 99–103
serial port, 37
base address, 95
setup. See BIOS setup utility
silent boot, 92
Sleep Manager, 53, 76–84
accessing, 77
creating reserved space, 78
exiting, 82
minimizing, 82
not enough space for allocation,
removing reserved space, 81
troubleshooting, 82
uninstalling, 84
sound. See audio
speaker-out port, 40
speakers, 22, 34, 40, 59, 109
balance, 23, 35
volume, 22, 35
specifications, 111–15
startup sequences, 102
storage, 29–33
CD-ROM, 30
floppy drive, 30, 31
hard disk, 30
suspend to disk, 24, 53, 76, 97
suspend to disk on critical battery,
suspend to memory, 21, 54, 98
system configuration, 89–97
system resource lock, 41
Ttechnical support, 10
temperature, 2, 43, 48, 104
tilt, 27
time, 90
touchpad, 24–27
configuring, 85
travel, 8
trickle charge, 45
troubleshooting, 104–9
Sleep Manager, 82
turbo mode, 23