Heuristic Power ManagementThe computer uses a new power management
technique called Heuristic Power Management
(HPM) to take advantage of APM’s power-saving
features without degrading performance. HPM
allows the computer to provide maximum power
conservation and maximum performance.
Power-management methods used by most
computers are timer-based. You set time-out
values for the display, the hard disk, and other
devices. The system then puts itself to sleep when
it detects inactivity that exceeds the times you set.
The problem with this is that no two users are
alike. Each of us has his or her own habits when
using the computer, which makes timer-based
power management ineffective.
HPM is a “self-learning” method. With HPM, the
system manages its power according to the way
you use the machine. In effect, the computer
delivers maximum power when you need it, and
saves power when you don’t need the maximum—
all without any intervention from you. There are no
timers to set, nothing to enable or disable. The
HPM system figures out everything for you.