System Utilities
Minimizing Sleep ManagerClick the Minimize button on Sleep Manager’s
window to minimize Sleep Manager and allow it to
run in the background. If the Enable Indicator on
Taskbar check box is selected, the Sleep Manager
icon will appear on the taskbar. You can then
restore the Sleep Manager window when you need
it, by double-clicking the taskbar icon. If the
Enable Indicator on Taskbar is not selected, you
must click the Windows 95 Start menu and select
Programs, 0V Suspend Utility, Sleep Manager to
restore Sleep Manager.
Exiting Sleep ManagerSelect the Exit button to shut down Sleep
Caution: Using the Exit button to shut down
Sleep Manager disables the automatic
adjustment of reserved disk space for suspend-
to-disk operations, and is not recommended.
Sleep Manager Troubleshooting TipsThe following table lists some error messages you
might see when using Sleep Manager and what to
do about them.