Chapter 5: Monitoring Circuit Status and Displaying System Information

The following table describes the data displayed on the ADSL Performance Status screen.





Down Alarms

Identifies the current downstream alarms (toward the Megabit


Modem 320F). Options:


LOF - Loss of Frame


LOS - Loss of Signal


MAR - Margin


ES - Errored Seconds


SES - Severely Errored Seconds


SELF - Self Test Failed


NONE - No current alarms



Up Alarms

Identifies the current upstream alarms (transmission toward the


Megabit Modem 310F).



System State

Identifies the state of the ADSL system:


ACK - Acknowledge during handshake.


TRAINING - Modem is currently training.


CHANA - Channel analysis is in process.


EXCH - Exchange final handshaking messages.


DATA - Link is up and data can be transferred.



SNR Margin (dB)

Identifies the current (cur) and minimum (min) margin values for


the ADSL loop for the current 24-hour period. See “Reach, Data


Rate, SNR Margin, and Noise Environment” on page 48 for


information on SNR margin and BER.



Line Attn (dB)

Indicates the line attenuation for the upstream and downstream


ADSL channels. Line attenuation is the decrease in amplitude of the


signal between transmission and receipt.



24 Hour ES

Indicates the total number of errored seconds that were detected on


the ADSL link during the current 24-hour period.



24 Hour UAS

Indicates the total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) that were


detected on the ADSL link during the current 24-hour period. UAS


indicate the amount of time that the lines were unavailable for


transmission since the modem was powered up or cleared.



Data Rate (kbps)

Identifies the current rates at which data is being transmitted.



Megabit Modem 310F and 320F User Manual