3. Compare HDD HDD: 11 232.9GB
Press ENT to begin the comparison. The LCD will display the following info.
Once the comparison is complete the LCD will display the following info as well as the amount of data on the source hard disk.
Compare OK:11
Fail: 0 Di: 0
Async Compare
Compare HDD is used to see if the data on a source hard disk is identical to the target hard disk after the Copy HDD operation. While compare process is
Choose option 4 from the menu: |
| 4. Async Compare |
Press ENT | HDD: 11 232.9GB |
to begin the async comparison. The LCD will display the following info.
If the comparison process continues to add additional hard disk device, LCD will only show the last completed percentage.
Once the copying process is complete the LCD will display the following results.
Compare OK:11
Fail: 0 Di: 0
PreScan Source
PreScan HDD is used to check if the source hard disk can be accessed properly. It also tests the read speed.
Choose option 5 from the menu: |
| 5. PreScan Source |
Press ENT | HDD : 11 232.9GB |
to begin scan. The LCD will display the following info
Once the scan is complete, the LCD will display the corresp onding results
PreScan OK!
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