9-8 61200290L1-1G
Section 9, Transaction Language 1 (TL1) MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
Description Retrieves the current software revision
TID Target ID
CTAG* Transaction Number (integer)
Description Retrieves the system identifier string
TID Target ID
CTAG* Transaction Number (integer)
Description Retrieves the current list of users from the TL1 users table
TID Target ID
CTAG* Transaction Number (integer)
Description Retrieves the requested alarm status
MOD2 Specifies what entity type to query:
EQPT General Equipment Unit
rr Facility or Circuit (i.e. T1, T2, T3)
ALL All entity types
TID Target ID
Table 9-2. TL1 Commands (Continued)