E-4 61200290L1-1G
Appendix E, Glossary MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
DSU Data service unit. A device designed to transmit and receive digital data on digital
transmission facilities.
DTE Data terminal equipment. The end-user terminal or computer that plugs into the
termination point (DCE) of a communications circuit. The main difference
between the DCE and the DTE is that Pins 2 and 3 are reversed.
E1 Transmission rates of 2.048 Mbps are available on T1 communication lines. See
also T1.
end device The ultimate source or destination of data flowing through a network (sometimes
referred to as DTE).
end user Subscriber who uses (rather than provides) telecommunications services.
ES Errored seconds. A second with one or more coding violations (CVs).
Ethernet Transmission protocol for packet-switching LANs.
facilities The equipment used by carriers to provide communication services.
far end The distant end to that being considered. Not the end where testing is being
carried out.
FCC Federal Communications Commission. The U.S. federal agency responsible for
regulating interstate and international communications by radio, TV, wire, satel-
lite, and cable.
FDL Facility datalink. FDL bits provide overhead communication between the terminal
equipment in ESF framing.
gateway A device which enables information to be exchanged between two dissimilar
systems or networks.
host computer The primary or controlling computer in a multiple computer operation.
idle code In a T3 circuit, an idle code consists of a sequence of 1100 over the entire payload
in-band Signaling (dialing, loopbacks, management, configuration, etc.) over the same
channel used for data.