E-6 61200290L1-1G
Appendix E, Glossary MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
NRZ Non return to zero. A mode in which the digital level is low for a 0 bit and high for
a 1 bit, and does not return to zero between successive 1 bits.
out-of-band Signaling that is separated from the channel carrying information (voice, data,
video, etc.). Typically the separation is accomplished by a filter. The signaling
includes dialing and other supervisory signals.
point-to-point Type of communications link that connects a single device to another single
device, such as a remote terminal to a host computer.
POP Point of presence. Physical place within a LATA (local access and transport area)
where a long distance carrier or a cellular provider interfaces with the network of
the local exchange carrier (LEC). A POP is usually a building serving as the point
of termination which houses switches and transmission equipment.
protocol A set of rules controlling the orderly exchange of information between stations in
data communications networks or systems.
PSTN Public switched telephone network. Usually refers to the worldwide voice
telephone network available for public use.
red alarm Unframed all ones signal (keep alive signal). A red alarm is declared on detection
of LOS or OOF not caused by an alarm indication signal (AIS) that persists for
more than two seconds.
configuration A feature designed into ADTRAN products that allows remote units to be config-
ured from a local unit or a VT100-compatible terminal.
router A device that supports communications between networks. Routers are similar to
bridges, except that routers provide more functionality (such as finding the best
route between networks and providing network management capabilities).
service The provision of telecommunications to customers by a common carrier, adminis-
tration, or private operating agency using voice, data, and/or video technologies.
service provider A company that delivers or sells a telecom service.
SES Severely errored seconds. A second in which more than 320 code violations
(CVs) occurred or an OOF condition occurred.
signaling Communication between switches to set up and terminate calls.