2.1.5. Setup
Menu Structure - Setup
Display Functions Description
[-] External Alarm Only applicable if external alarm is connected
Stop Alarm Stop alarm
Test Alarm Includes testing red LED on front
Alarm time-out: 009 s
Amount of time the alarm is active in seconds. If value is set to 0,
alarm time-out is disabled and the alarm will be active until the fail-
ure that has triggered the alarm is corrected or the alarm has been
stopped. See above.
Alarm state: Disabled
[-] Setup details
Language: English The language in the display; changing the display language does
not affect country setting
[-] Inverter details
Inverter name:
AEG PS The inverter's name. Max. 15 characters and not only numbers.
Group name:*The name of the group the inverter is part of
Group name Max. 15 characters
[-] Master mode*
Master mode: Enabled*
[-] Network*Only visible if Master mode is enabled.
[-] Initiate network scan
[-] Scan progress: 0%
[-] Inverters found: 0
Plant name:*The name of the plant.
Plant name*Max. 15 characters
[-] Set date and time
Date: dd.mm.yyyy (30.12.2002) Set the current date
Time: hh.mm.ss (13.45.27) Set the current time
[-] Calibration Only applicable if sensors are connected
[-] PV array
PV input 1: 6000 W
PV 1 area: 123 m2
PV input 2: 6000 W
PV 2 area: 123 m2
PV input 3: 6000 W Not visible if inverter only has 2 PV inputs
PV 3 area: 123 m2Not visible if inverter only has 2 PV inputs
[-] Irradiation sensor
Scale (mV/1000 W/m2): 75 Sensor calibration
Temp. coeff: 0.06 %/oCSensor calibration
[-] Temp. sensor offset
PV module temp: 2 oCSensor calibration (offset)
Ambient Temp: 2oCSensor calibration (offset)
[-] S0 sensor input
Scale (pulses/kWh): 1000 Sensor calibration. See note
[-] Environment
CO2 emission factor:*Value to be used for total CO2 saved calculation
0.5 kg/kWh*
Remuneration per kWh:*Value to be used for total revenue calculation
44.42 ct/kWh
Yield start count: 1000 kWh*A value used as an offset from the current production value when
calculating the yield.
[-] Communication setup Only applicable if communication accessories are connected
[-] RS485 setup
Network: 15
Address: 255
[-] IP Setup
IP config: Automatic
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
DNS server:

Table 2.7: Setup

*) Not available.
2. Display
10 8000038784_00_BAL_en / L00410565-01_02