



Menu Structure - Setup




Display Functions



[-] External Alarm

Only applicable if external alarm is connected



Stop Alarm

Stop alarm



Test Alarm

Includes testing red LED on front







Amount of time the alarm is active in seconds. If value is set to 0,










Alarm time-out: 009 s

alarm time-out is disabled and the alarm will be active until the fail-




ure that has triggered the alarm is corrected or the alarm has been













stopped. See above.




Alarm state: Disabled




[-] Setup details





Language: English

The language in the display; changing the display language does




not affect country setting









[-] Inverter details





Inverter name:






The inverter's name. Max. 15 characters and not only numbers.




Group name:*

The name of the group the inverter is part of




Group name

Max. 15 characters




[-] Master mode*






Master mode: Enabled*






[-] Network*

Only visible if Master mode is enabled.






[-] Initiate network scan







[-] Scan progress: 0%







[-] Inverters found: 0





Plant name:*

The name of the plant.




Plant name*

Max. 15 characters




[-] Set date and time






Date: dd.mm.yyyy (30.12.2002)

Set the current date





Time: hh.mm.ss (13.45.27)

Set the current time



[-] Calibration

Only applicable if sensors are connected



[-] PV array





PV input 1: 6000 W





PV 1 area: 123 m2





PV input 2: 6000 W





PV 2 area: 123 m2





PV input 3: 6000 W

Not visible if inverter only has 2 PV inputs




PV 3 area: 123 m2

Not visible if inverter only has 2 PV inputs




[-] Irradiation sensor






Scale (mV/1000 W/m2): 75

Sensor calibration





Temp. coeff: 0.06 %/oC

Sensor calibration




[-] Temp. sensor offset






PV module temp: 2 oC

Sensor calibration (offset)





Ambient Temp: 2oC

Sensor calibration (offset)




[-] S0 sensor input






Scale (pulses/kWh): 1000

Sensor calibration. See note




[-] Environment






CO2 emission factor:*

Value to be used for total CO2 saved calculation





0.5 kg/kWh*






Remuneration per kWh:*

Value to be used for total revenue calculation





44.42 ct/kWh






Yield start count: 1000 kWh*

A value used as an offset from the current production value when





calculating the yield.









[-] Communication setup

Only applicable if communication accessories are connected



[-] RS485 setup





Network: 15










Address: 255




[-] IP Setup





IP config: Automatic





IP address:







Subnet mask:







Default gateway:







DNS server:




Table 2.7: Setup

*) Not available.


8000038784_00_BAL_en / L00410565-01_02

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AEG 8000038784_00_BAL_en user manual Menu Structure Setup Display Functions Description