If the battery cubicle is used in connection with the PROTECT 1.1.50 or PROTECT 1.200, the strain relief is implemented with clamps.

The battery system can now be activated. To do this, insert the two fuses ￿.

As the last step, fasten each cover that was initially removed.

Fig.: PROTECT 1.BP20 in connection with the PROTECT 1.100

PROTECT 1.100 & 1.BP20: When connecting i the battery connection cable, make sure that the plugs are inserted quickly and firmly in the

battery connectors.

Prepare further PROTECT 1.BP20 battery cubicles as described above and then connect them to the terminals ￿ (X2 and X3) of the previously installed battery cubicle with the enclosed battery connection cables. Observe the correct polarity "+" and "-" as well as an earth-fault- and short-circuit- proof routing during connection.

5.6Mechanical Blocking of PROTECT 1.

After completing the connection work, fasten the connection terminal cover again. At the final installation site, block the cubicles against slipping.