Using the Frame Generator Converting Frame Files
12 Agilent 81250 ParBERT SONET/SDH Frame Generator, November 2002
Converting Frame Files Once the frame files have been generated (and edi ted), they must be
converted to segment files for use by ParBERT.
This is done by the following:
• Selecting File -> Convert Frame(s).
• Clicking the Convert Frames button.
These both open the Open dialog box, where you can select the *.htm
file to be converted.
After you have entered a file name and cli cked Open, the following
dialog box should appear:
Figure 3 Convert Files dialog box
The Scrambler should be set to On, the Segment width can be
See also “Scrambler” on page 24 and “Segment width” on page 25.
The text in the dialog box indicates which files will be generated. If
files that you need are not listed (for example, if you need to generate
segment files for the analyzer, but these are not shown), or if an error
message appears, check the settings i n the Generation Settings dialog
box (see “Selecting the Files to be Generated” on page 11).
These files will be generated and overwritten without any further
notice. If you want to save the files under different names, you have to
click Change instead of OK.
This opens the Open dialog box, where you can enter a dif ferent file
name for e ach file t o be genera ted. Aft er you have ch anged or a ccepted
all file names, the files are converted.