Agilent 81250 ParBERT SONET/SDH Frame Generator, November 2002 5
Introduction to the Frame GeneratorThe SONET/SDH Frame Generator (referred to as the Frame
Generator) is a software application for generating SONET and SDH
frames for ParBERT.
What the Frame Generator Does
The Frame Generator allows one or more structured patterns (also
known as frames) to be specified and generated for SONET t esting by
ParBERT. It provides you with a graphical user interface (GUI) for
entering basic frame patterns, and lets you modify (manually) the
resulting frame files.
See “Using the Frame Generator” on page7 for more information on
how to use the frame generator.
Installing the Software
The Frame Generator is part of the Par BERT instal lation. If you would
like to install the Frame Generator on another computer (for example,
to generate and edit frame files on a la ptop), use the normal ParBERT
installation CD, and select only t he Frame Generator installation.