Graphical User Interface Reference Setting s Area
24 Agilent 81250 ParBERT SONET/SDH Frame Generator, November 2002
Settings AreaNOTE Some elements of the setting area are invisible if you select CID for
Mode. The invisible elements are not available for CID.
The following is a list of the elements of the settings area:
Defines the following modes.
–Normal specifies a sing le frame of a SONET/SDH signal.
–CID specifies a Consecutive Identical Digit pattern.
Defines the frame format to be generat ed; can either be SONET,
Determines whether or not the payload is scramb led. The SONET /
SDH 27 PRBS standard is used for scrambling.
Defines whether or not the frame is coded in the Coded Mark
Inversion format, which means doubled frequency.
If you select CMI, make sure you double the frequency on the
See “CMI Coding” on page 20 for more information.
Determines how many patterns are to be generated in the frame
–Single specifies one pattern.
–Multiple lets you select the number of patterns to be generated.
NOTE When setting up the frame files, please keep the ParBERT memory
restrictions in mind. The available memory depends on the data
generator/analyzer modules installed and on the port frequency.
For example, a ParBERT 43G system equipped with eight E4861B
modules and running at a data rate above 42.67 Gbit/s can have a
memory capacity of 16 Mbit per c hannel.