Agilent 81250 ParBERT SONET/SDH Frame Generator, November 2002 7
Using the Frame Generator
This topic provides a short overview of what you have to do to
generate frames for use in ParBERT.
The following figure provides an overview of the workflow.
Figure 1 SONET Workflow
The following steps have to be performed to generate SONET frames
for ParBERT:
1. If not all files are needed, the files to be generated can be selected.
The dialog box for this is opened over File -> Generation Setting.
By default, all files are selected.
See “Selecting the Files to be Generated” on page11 for details.
Set up patter n in GUI
Generate frame file
Edit frame file
Generate frame file
and segment fil es
Generate segment
Import segment files
into ParBERT
Define files t o be