Performance Tests
fPress more 3 of 3, more 1 of 3, and then set pat label.
gUse the displayed softkeys to create a label to identify this new pattern. It
will minimize confusion as you use the pattern generator. Enter the suggest-
ed label ALL ONES. Press FINISH ENTRY when you have finished entering all
the letters in the label.
hPress more 2 of 3, more 3 of 3, save pattern, and then INTERNL PATT 1.
iPress the left-side select pattern softkey.
jPress user pattern and then INTERNL PATT 1.
12 Set the BIAS ADJUST potentiometer fully clockwise, then ve rify that the
optical output power does not exceed +2.5 dBm.
13 Remove the cable from the DIGITAL IN DC COUPLED input connector.
14 Press the Agilent83430A’s front-panel SELECT key repeatedly until the ANALOG
IN AC COUPLED light is on.
15 Make sure that the front-panel BIAS ADJUST knob is fully clockwise.
16 Verify that the optical output power does not exceed +0.5 dBm.
17 Turn the BIAS ADJUST knob fully counterclockwise.
18 The optical power should measure between –2.0 dBm and –5.0 dBm.