Performance Tests
Configuring the pattern generatorThis procedure shows you, step-by-step, how to configure the Agil ent 70841B
pattern generator settings for the performance tests an d adjustment proce-
dures. It is assumed, that the Agilent 70311A clock source is configured in the
modular measurement system (MMS) mainframe as a slave to the pattern gen-
erator module. This allows you to change the clock source’s frequency from
the pattern generator. If your clock source is not configured as a slave module
to the pattern generator, you can still set its frequency using its own menu.
Consult the user manuals for these products to learn how to correctly install
and operate them.
1Turn on the MMS system, and display the menu for the pattern generator.
2Press the green INSTR PRESET key.
3Press the left-side select pattern softkey.
4Press the 2 23–1 softkey.
5Press the left-side trg o/p clk o/p softkey.
6Press TRIGGER PAT CLK so that CLK is underlined.
This sets the trigger mode.
7Press CLOCK FREQ, and enter the clock frequency.
8Press CLOCK AMPLTD, and enter the clock amplitude.
9Press the left-side dat o/p err-add softkey, more 2 of 2, and then DAT TRM 0V –2V, so
that –2V is underlined.
This sets the data termination level.
10 Press more 2 of 2 and then DATA ECL.