Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
An Introduction to the SCPI Language
An Introduction to the SCPI LanguageSCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is an ASCII-
based instrument command language designed for test and measurement
instruments. Refer to ‘‘Simplified Programming Overview’’, starting on page 78
for an introduction to the basic techniques used to program the power supply
over the remote interface.
SCPI commands are based on a hierarchical structure, also known as a tree
system. In this system, associated commands are grouped together under a
common node or root, thus forming subsystems. A portion of the SOURce
subsystem is shown below to illustrate the tree system.
CURRent {<current>|MIN|MAX|UP|DOWN}
TRIGgered {<current>|MIN|MAX}
VOLTage {<voltage>|MIN|MAX|UP|DOWN}
TRIGgered {<voltage>|MIN|MAX}
TRIGgered? {MIN|MAX}
SOURce is the root keyword of the command, CURRent and VOLTage are
second-level keywords, and TRIGgered is third-level keywords. A colon (:)
separates a command keyword from a lower-level keyword.