Chapter 3 Front-Panel Operation
GPIB Interface Configuration
GPIB Interface ConfigurationThe GPIB connector on the rear panel connects your power supply to the
compu ter and other GP IB devi ces. C hapte r 1 lists the cabl es that are ava ilabl e
from Agilent Technologies. An GPIB system can be connected together in any
configuration (star, linear, or both) as long as the following rules are observed:
• The total number of devices including the computer is no more than 15.
• The total length of all the cables used is no more than 2 meter times the
number of devices connected together, up to a maximum of 20 meters.
Note IEEE-488 states that you should exercise caution if your individual cable
lengths exceed 4 meters.
Do not stack more than three connector blocks together on any GPIB
connector. Make sure that all connectors are fully seated and that the lock
screws are firmly finger tightened.