Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
System-Related Commands
System-Related CommandsDISPlay {OFF | ON}
This command turns the front-panel display off or on. When the display is
turned off, outputs are not sent to the display and all annunciators are disabled
except the ERROR annunciator.
The display state is automatically turned on when you return to the local mode.
Press the key to return to the local state from the remote interface.
This command queries the front-panel display setting. Returns ‘‘0’’ (OFF) or
‘‘1’’ (ON).
DISPlay:TEXT <quoted string>
This command displays a message on the front panel. The power supply will
display up to 12 characters in a message; any additional characters are
truncated. Commas, periods, and semicolons share a display space with the
preceding character, and are not considered individual characters.
Thi s c o mm a nd q ue r ie s t h e m e ss a ge se n t t o th e f r on t pa n el an d re t ur n s a q uo te d
This command clears the message displayed on the front panel.
This command enables or disables the outputs of the power supply. When the
output is disabled, the voltage value is 0 V and the current value is 20 mA. At
*RST, the output state is OFF.
This command queries the output state of the power supply. The returned value
is ‘‘0’’ (OFF) or ‘‘1’’ (ON).