Initial Troubleshooting and RF Block Diagrams ESG Family Signal Generators
Signal Generator Options
1-6 Service Guide
200 Fully Coded 3GPP W-CDMA Personality - This option can be used to
provide fully-coded, multichannel downlink and uplink signals in
compliance with 3GPP specifications. Support for this 3GPP W-CDMA
solution may require the use of two ESG signal generators.
201 Multichannel Real-Time cdma2000 Personality - This option can be used
to provide fully-coded, multichannel forward and reverse link signals
supporting both the IS-95 and IS-2000 CDMA standards.
Support for IS-2000 may require the use of two ESG signal generators.
Because IS-2000 provides backward compatibility with IS-95 in RC1 and
RC2 configurations, the Option 201 personality also supports the IS-95
300 Base Station BERT Extension for Option UN7 - This option adds bit error
rate testing for GSM base stations to the ESG/VSA combination.
ES1 This option indicates that a more recent version of firmware is resident in
the signal generator than was originally shipped. The operating features
in the new firmware may be different than those documented in your
original manual set.
UN3 I/Q Baseband Generator with 1 Mbit Pattern RAM (Obsolete) - This option
is no longer available. Option UN3 provided an I/Q baseband generator
with DECT, GSM, NADC, PDC, PHS, and TETRA digital modulation
formats. Option UN3 is replaced by Option UN8.
UN4 I/Q Baseband Generator with 8 Mbit Pattern RAM (Obsolete) - This option
is no longer available. Option UN4 provided an I/Q baseband generator
with DECT, GSM, NADC, PDC, PHS, and TETRA digital modulation
formats. Pre-modulation filtering selections and PRBS capability were
provided. Option UN4 is replaced by Option UN8 with Option UN9.
UN5 Multi-Channel CDMA - This option provides multi-channel IS-95 CDMA
capability, which provides flexible, coded-channel setups for CDMA base
stations or mobiles, components, or sub-system test.
UN7 Bit Error Rate Test - This option adds a bit error rate test function that
evaluates PN9 or PN15 bit streams for errors. Configuration of data, clock,
and clock gate inputs allow testing of demodulated TDMA or CDMA
formats. A baseband generator must be part of the instrument
UN8 Real-time I/Q Baseband Generator - This option provides a custom
modulation generator with 1 Mbit of pattern RAM. The custom
modulation generator provides generic symbol building, variable symbol
rates, and variable filter capabilities in addition to TDMA protocols.
UN9 +7 MBits RAM - This option adds an additional 7 Mbits of pattern RAM to
Option UN8 for very long data pattern generation. You must purchase
Option UN8 in conjunction with Option UN9.
UNA Alternate Timeslot Power Level Control - This option provides alternate
timeslot power level control for adjacent timeslots in TDMA applications.