Replaceable Parts (ESG-AP and ESG-DP Series) ESG Family Signal Generators
4-28 Service Guide

Inside Front Panel View

Refer to Table 4-12 and Figure 4-12.

Table 4-12 Inside Front Panel View

NOTE The figure on the adjacent page represents an ESG-DP series front panel

having opti on UN8. On a standard ESG-DP series front panel, W3, W4, and

W5 do not exist and the front panel connectors for W1 and W2 will be in a

slightly different location. An ESG-AP series front panel does not include W1

through W5, but will include W47 wit h Option 1E6 (not shown) . All models

having Option 1EM do not have W1 through W9 on the fr ont panel.

Designator Part Number Qty Descri pt ion
*. This cable is not replaceable b y itself. You must order the co rr es po nding assembly.
(part of A1) 1 Front Panel Board (A1) to CPU/Motherboard (A14J20)
A2DS1W1*(part of A2DS1) 1 Florescent Lamp (A2DS1) to A3W2
A3W1*(part of A3) 1 Inverter (A3) to CPU/Motherboard (A14J19)
A3W2*(part of A3) 1 Inverter (A3) to A2DS1W1
B1W1*(part of B1) 1 Small Fan (B1) to CPU/Motherboard (A14J16)
B2W1*(part of B2) 1 Large Fan (B2) to CPU/Motherboard (A14J17)
W1 8120-8786 1 I IN to Daughterboard (A15J2)
W2 8120-8786 1 Q IN to Daughterboard (A15J3)
W3 8120-5063 1 DATA to Baseband Generator (A7P100) (Options UN8)
W4 8120-5063 1 DAT A CLOCK to Baseband Gener ator (A7P103) (O ption s UN8)
W5 8120-5063 1 SYMBOL SYNC to Baseband Generator (A7P101) (Options UN8)
W6 8120-8786 1 EXT 1 to Daughterboard (A15J4)
W7 8120-8786 1 EXT 2 to Daughterboard (A15J5)
W8 8120-8786 1 LF OUTPUT to Daughterboard (A15J6)
W9 E4400-20018 1 RF OUTPUT to Electronic Attenuator/RPP (AT1)
E4400-20125 1 RF OUTPUT to RPP (AT1) (Option 1EM, UNB )
W10 8120-6759 1 Display (A2) to CPU/Motherboard (A14J21)
W47 8120-8783 1 Flexible Cable, PULSE IN (FP) to Pulse Modulator (A25) (Option 1E6 - not