5 - Viewing Test Data
Editing the Graph Attributes

To change the attributes or the settings of any of the graphs,

ñClick with the right mouse button on any area of the graph.

This puts up the Edit Graph Attributes dialog box.

From this dialog box you can select:
ñthe Maximum values of the x and the y axes. These are specified in the units that are presently
displayed on the axes. The X axis is not configurable in all graphs. In the Rms graph for example,
only the Y axis is configurable for minimum and maximum voltage.
ñthe Y Axis Values as either a percent of the specification’s limits, or as an absolute value in the units
that apply to the presently displayed graph.
ñeither the Span of the data, from which you can specify:
Entire Test; the data range of the entire test
Custom; a range of time or data records
ñor the Zoom factor of the graph. You can zoom in on any selected area of the graph by drawing an
area with the left mouse button and double-clicking inside the area.
ña time-series harmonic, which is specific to the time series graph.