Instruction Manual MP3 F850 Player/FM Tuner
Click “Next”
Continue to click “Next” the installation is finished
After you’re done with the installation, you will find a new moving disk on your PC. You can copy and/or move files between the player and the PC.
When you want to transfer files from your computer, use the USB cord. Do not pull out the player while there are files in the process of being transmitted; this may cause damage to existing files in the player. The picture on the right shows an incorrect method.
The correct method of disconnecting the USB cord : Left click the Safely Remove Hardware icon. A window will pop up, click “stop USB Mass Storage Device”. When a window pops up saying it’s safe to remove hardware, you may disconnect the USB cord.
You can use Flash graphic software tool “GixEdit”, to make startup animations for your MP3 player. *Note:When saving the animation, it must be saved in the ROOT folder of your MP3
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