The operator must have a complete understanding of the placement, function, and operational use of all skid steer controls before starting the skid steer. Review the skid steer operator’s manual and consult an authorized dealer for operating instructions if needed.
Essential Skid Steer Controls:
•Locate the light control lever
•Locate the engine shut off control
•Locate the brake pedals and the clutch
•Locate the auxiliary hydraulic control lever.
•Locate the boom height foot controls.
•Locate the hitch tilt foot controls.
Before starting the skid steer ensure the following:
•Conduct all
•Make sure all guards, shields, and other safety devices are securely in place.
•The parking brake is on.
•The skid steer transmission is in neutral.
•The auxiliary hydraulics are disengaged.
•The boom height/tilt controls are in the neutral position.
Refer to the skid steer owner’s manual for procedures to start the skid steer. Only start the skid steer while seated and belted in the operator’s seat. Never bypass the ignition switch by short circuiting the starter solenoid.
After the engine is running, avoid accidental contact with the skid steer transmission to prevent sudden and unexpected skid steer movement.
Never run the Power Unit engine in a closed building or without adequate ventilation. The exhaust fumes can be hazardous to your health.
Start the Power Unit only when properly seated in the Power Unit seat. Starting a Power Unit in gear can result in injury or death. Read the Power Unit Operator’s Manual for proper starting instructions.
SM72 02/10 | Operation Section |
© 2010 Alamo Group Inc.