quickly contact your friends with a text message, instant message, or phone call.

you can share, set, hide your location, or sign out of Google Latitude.

control who sees your location, and at what level of detail.

9.6.1To join Latitude

Touch Maps at the upper-left corner, and select Join Latitude.

To open Latitude, touch icon from Maps screen, then select Latitude.

9.6.2How to invite friends to share their locations

Touch icon from list view.

Touch Select from Contacts or Add via email address.

After selecting your chosen contacts touch Add friends at the bottom of the screen.

When finished, an invitation will be sent to the friends you have invited. To respond to an invitation, you can select one of the followings:

Accept and share You and your friend can share locations with


each other.

Accept, but hide You can view your friend's location, but they

my location

cannot view yours.

Don’t accept

No locations can be shared between you and


your friend.

9.6.3To view your friends' location

You can view your friends' locations on a map or in a list.

MAP VIEW When Google Maps is opened, your friends' locations will display with their photo icons for identification.

FRIENDS LIST Your friends are displayed in a list.