Remember form Mark to remember data in forms for later use. data
Clear form data Touch to clear all the saved form data.
Enable location Mark to allow sites to request access to your
Clear location Touch to clear location access for all websites. access
RememberMark to save usernames and passwords for
passwordswebsites.Clear passwords Touch to clear all saved passwords.
Accessibility | Force enable | Mark to control a website's zoom as you |
| zoom | prefer. |
| Text scaling | Slide to change the size of the text display. |
Zoom on double- Slide to change the magnification level when
tap |
Minimum font size Slide to change the minimum font size.
| Inverted | Mark to display pages in invert color. |
| rendering |
| Contrast | Slide to change pages contrast. It is grey, unless |
| you mark Inverted rendering. |
Set search engine Touch to select a search engine.
Open in | Mark to open new windows behind the |
background | current one. |