Introduction 1

How to Use This Manual

This manual is divided into the following sections describing the various functions and applications for the Wildfire. While it's a good idea to read through the entire manual once carefully, if you already have general knowledge about guitar amplifiers and effects, you should use the table of contents to look up specific functions.

Chapter 2: Hookup Diagram shows you how to get the Wildfire connected and turned on.

Chapter 3: A Tour of the Wildfire describes all the controls and features of the unit. This chapter features labeled diagrams of the front and rear panels. The paragraphs that follow the diagrams provide more in-depth explanations of these features.

Chapters 4 through 9 include step-by-step instructions for using the Wildfire, including how to select and edit programs, use the tuner function, store and copy programs, use the Defer Program Changes feature, and stereo-link two amplifiers.

Chapter 10: Effects Knob Settings explains the Wildfire’s effect modules and types, as well as other settings controlled by the EFFECT and VALUE knobs.

Chapter 11: Troubleshooting can give you a hand if you’re experiencing problems with the Wildfire. You’ll find that most issues can be resolved simply and quickly.

Chapter 12: Specifications is full of information for the more technical users.

Chapter 13: Contact Information lets you know the best way to reach us if you have any questions or comments.

Helpful tips and advice are highlighted in a shaded box like this.

When something important appears in the manual, an exclamation mark (like the one shown at left) will appear with some explanatory text. This symbol indicates that this information is vital when operating the Wildfire.